As in, a panel of Reasonable Citizens to Review Moronic Requests for Planetary Resources. (RCRMRPR)
Okay, first up today is a gentleman with a landscaping business. Sir, kindly state your request for resources.
Landscaper: "I'd like to print a flyer on colored paper..."
I don't suppose we have a problem with that sir, you may proceed. Next!
Landscaper: "Wait! I'd like to take that flyer, and then seal it in a clear plastic bag along with two rocks to weigh it down so the wind doesn't blow it away."
You want to take biodegradable paper, along with two rocks that have taken eons to form, seal those three items in a clear plastic bag that will last for all time, and then drive around and throw them out of your car window in the general direction of local driveways?
Landscaper: "Yes."
I see. What will happen with most of these marketing-bags containing rocks and paper?
Landscaper: "Well, most of them will be thrown away, but a few will result in some business leads for my company. So, may I have please have the resources for this marketing campaign?"
No. Don't be an idiot, this is a terrible use of resources. What kind of lunatic seals paper and rocks into forever-lasting plastic bags, most of which will head to a poisonous landfill that will eventually be "sealed" forever? (minus the toxic liquid contents that may or may not leak into groundwater tables when and if the impermeable layers of the landfill give way over time).
NO, print your dang flyer and put it in the person's mailbox like everybody else, you don't get ANY plastic, and for heaven's sake use your head, don't take the rocks out of the natural cycle pictured on the left, and lock them into the toxic unnatural tomb on the right. Duh.
Plastic collected on a recent dog walk in my neighborhood - seeing these two plastic landscaper bags on an empty lot prompted this post.